Monday, August 10, 2009

I love summer. I love the heat, sitting in the sun, wearing dresses and sandals, going to the beach or river, drinking cold beer in the heat...all of it. But summer is coming to a close. I'm starting to think about how to start my classes this year, have bought some new "school clothes," and am probably going up to the school a little early tomorrow to setup my new classroom. While I'll certainly miss the "lazy days of summer", I am ready to get back into my routine.

So I leave you with the final weekend before I return to work, a trip to the beach with the pups. What a great day it was.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oh Eric, you are so my favorite.

One more day until a new True Blood.

And did you know??? Now you can drink with the best of your vamp friends.
It actually sounds really good. Too bad they don't make it in diet.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

this is not a test.

I am just curious if people actually believe this. I suppose so if they have a strong enough inkling to post a handmade sign on their fence. There are moments when I am riding my bike and actually have to turn around to make sure that what I am seeing is real. This was one of those times. Here I am riding down the upper Heights streets surrounding my own, engrossed by the amount of flora people have in their lawns and the beauty and color that summer flowers in Texas bring and I come across this sign. This mean, nasty, hateful sign. In a time period where the word terrorist is a strong one, where we have encountered acts of terrorism on our own soil, we have people posting signs such as this on their lawns. I am just not sure how to take things such as this. I suppose you get to a point where people's level of how ridiculous they are shouldn't get to you and you should laugh at how silly people can be. So that's what I have to do. Laugh, and keep looking at the flowers.

confessions of a reality tv junkie

So summer has come and gone with swiftness, but also, of late, seeming to occur at a much slower pace. It's strange to believe that I have passed the last few months with such leisurely days. Most days I've spent time watching more television (embarrassingly enough) than I ever have in my life. I know more about reality television programs than I ever have. I've felt strangely unproductive this summer. My typical summer reading has become nonexistant, as I've only read about three books over the course of the break.

I had many plans on which I did not exactly follow through. I moved into my own house and accomplished getting the place in order, but I didn't ever really work on the flowerbeds that I planned to create. I checked out books from the library that I have always wanted to read and renewed them leaving them unread. I sat down, designed my tattoo, and left it in my sketchbook.

All these plans have gotten brushed aside due to lazy days of relaxing.

And I don't feel bad at all. I'll be well rested when I go back to work for the first few weeks of school.

But I think I will go get the bike out of the garage, put on some shoes, and explore the Heights.

I've just got to get the energy first.